Saturday, September 6, 2008

First weekend in Freiburg

I had an absolutely had wonderful times the past two nights here in Freiburg. Yesterday, on Friday, was our last day of orientation before we start the three week intensive language course on Monday. The IES program directors spoke to us for most of the morning about a few more things to expect for the rest of the semester, then continued with a much more boring presentation about health and safety (don't do drugs, don't drink too much, here's what to do if you need medical attention, etc.).

The afternoon was even more exciting! I had to dash back to my room during lunch to get my passport, my Einbürgerungsurkunde (German naturalization document), and €50, all of which I needed for the afternoon form-filling-out-session. So, for three hours, all 28 us filled out forms! However, I am now registered with the city of Freiburg and the University, so I will soon recieve my UniCard.

Afterward, I went grocery shopping at the nearby AlNatura, an all natural foods store. It was a bit expensive, but they have plenty of free samples and lots of really good bread. I'll probably go back there, but will do most of my shopping from now on at the other, cheaper nearby grocery.

I purchased some stuff to help out with the dinner party that all of us IES students living in Vauban had planned. About 12 of us went to one student's apartment and a few of us made pasta, chicken and a salad, and the rest cleaned up after the meal. It was a great time! We all converse and learn a bunch about each other, and I am really starting to make some good friends here.

Today, I woke up a bit late, and wondered around the town a bit with Erin and KC. We found an amazing second hand clothing store, which we perused through for nearly an hour. All of us got something, and I bought some very nice and cheap sunglasses. Hopefully I will need them, because it has only been cloudy and rainy so far! After eating a late lunch at the Fierlinger Biergarten, we went back to Vauban for a meeting with our housing tutor (Yannick), where he taught us how to use the washing machines.

Brett, an IES student had promised a few of us that he would make us some dinner, so I hung out at his place for a few hours to help him make and eat dinner with a few others. Just as we were about to eat, one of his German roommates (Tina) arrived, and she joined us for dinner. All during preparation, we had been attemting to speak German with each other, but it was great when a real German came and we continued our practice.

It came up in conversation that I enjoyed running and hiking, also two of Tina's hobbies. So, after dinner and a few drinks, she took a few of us on a guided walking tour in the dark and rain to the nearby hills where she usually goes on runs. We walked through quite a few vineyards and stole many delicious grapes right off the vine! On top of one of the hills, we got an excellent view of the City of Freiburg. I will definietly have to go back there soon during the day.

Tomorrow, IES is taking all of the students that want to go on a hiking tour somewhere in the Schwarzwald. I'm very excited for that adventure!